Deploying? Leave that Fitbit at Home

Deploying? Leave that Fitbit at Home

Deployed troops will have to leave their Fitbits, Apple watches and other “geolocation devices” at home. A Defense Department policy announced Monday also forbids any device or app that tracks the location of the user. Col. Robert Manning III told reporters at the...
New VA clinic in Middleburg could open by 2020

New VA clinic in Middleburg could open by 2020

When U.S. Rep. Ted Yoho started the process three years ago to bring a Department of Veterans Affairs clinic to Middleburg, there were just 4,500 veterans in the region enrolled in the program as well as skepticism about whether it was the right location for a new...
New VA clinic in Middleburg could open by 2020

VA MISSION act may up costs, lower vet health care quality

he Veterans Affairs Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks (VA MISSION) Act may increase costs and reduce quality of health care for veterans, according to an Ideas and Opinions piece published online July 24 in the Annals of...
Acquisition Reforms Survive in Defense Authorization Bill

Acquisition Reforms Survive in Defense Authorization Bill

Contractors hoping to protect their right to file bid protests got much of what they wanted in the conference report for the fiscal 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, which also contained several provisions to streamline the Pentagon’s acquisitions. In...